Tag Archives: skitch hanson

SfM in PSL

seanfrommassapequa.jpgJust a friendly reminder that Sean from Massapequa is down in Port St. Lucie, tweeting away about his favorite team (who he can’t stop threatening with bodily harm, for some reason).

Meanwhile, Skitch Hanson sent me another telegram. He’s having some automotive issues that have prevented him from getting to Florida, but he promised he will start tweeting again as soon as he’s there.

Another County Heard From: Skitch Hanson

I just received a telegram from Skitch Hanson. I mean, literally a telegram. Western Union and everything.

Does anyone know how much you tip a telegram guy? I gave him a couple bucks; too much or too little? 

I don’t know why Skitch chose telegram as his medium, but in any case, he wanted to let me know that he will be in spring training as well, visiting many camps in Florida and Arizona, and will be sending updates via his Twitter page (and presumably, not telegram).

So you can follow him at that link for updates from various camps, and follow Sean from Massapequa here for updates from the Mets in Port St. Lucie.

And while you’re at it, follow yours truly for exciting reply tweets to people you don’t know!

REMINDER: Submit to the Guild of Calamitous Intent!

guild.jpgAfter taking a one-year hiatus from running a fantasy league (though not playing in them, I assure you), I have decided to don my commissioner’s cap once again. Not only that, but I shall allow you, the Scratchbomb reader, to join said league: The Guild of Calamitous Intent! (Which will be its name until Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick sue me.)

It will be a head-to-head league via Yahoo, who I’ve found to be reliable in fantasy matters in the past (unlike some other sites). We’ll have a live online draft; it’s currently scheduled for the evening of Monday 3/16, but we can adjust that date/time if it proves
difficult for any potential participants.

Right now, The Guild is a 12-team league, and slots are given out on a first-come-first-serve basis, so act fast. Already, The Wife has joined, as has Skitch Hanson (although I’m going to have to talk to him about his team’s unfortunate name).

If you’re interested in joining the fray, comment on this post and I will send yez an invite. THEN PREPARE TO BE DOMINATED ON YOUR FACE.