Tag Archives: love

Inappropriate Walk Up Music: 03.18.09

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Every day until Opening Day, Scratchbomb presents three tunes that are completely, unequivocally inappropriate for use as major league walk-up

These are not necessarily bad songs–although that
certainly helps. They are merely songs that don’t evoke the fear and dread one traditionally associates with the walk-up song. In fact, they evoke the exact opposite.

Imagine yourself in the on-deck circle. Bottom of the 9th. Down by one. Man on second, two out. You hear the PA system blare, The centerfielder, number 20… The crowd roars at the sound of your name. And as you stroll to the batter’s box, you are greeted with the strains of one of these songs:

* “Fuck the Pain Away”, Peaches.
This would be especially inappropriate if, as you come up to bat, they play this video on the Jumbotron.

* “The Red Telephone”, Love
I went through a very rough patch in my life where I listened to
Forever Changes at least once a day. In case you don’t know, Forever Changes was the result of Love frontman Arthur Lee realizing in 1967 that all the hippies were full of shit and that the Summer of Love would soon spiral into violence and horror. So he freaked out and convinced himself that he was gonna die at a criminally young age. To counteract the intense depressitude of this album, I would listen to Ted Leo’s The Tyrrany of Distance. This is the oral equivalent of doing a fistful of ‘ludes and following it up with some crank. And it’s about as healthy for you, too.

* “Puss”, Jesus Lizard
Or substitute any other Jesus Lizard song. They’re all equally inappropriate, especially when accompanied by “The Tight and Shiny”.