Tag Archives: best show

Good Guys Win in 2010!

goodguys.jpgThe annual WFMU Marathon is upon us! Huzzah!

Every year, The Freeform Station of the Nation asks you, the listener, to kindly lend some change to keep their doors open for another year. To which I say, in word of Henry Rollins (via The Pink Fairies), DON’T THINK ABOUT IT, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! !

Look, I know things are tough all over. I know that we’ve had a few horrible things happen in the world recently that definitely deserve our time and attention and cash. But if you have any dough to spare for the only radio station worth listening to in the tri-state area, please consider doing so. Got five bucks? Send ’em five bucks. Every little bit helps.

But if you can send more than five bucks, you will get quite a bang for those bucks. For instance, if you were to pledge to, say, The Best Show on WFMU with Tom Scharpling, which airs tonight from 8 to 11pm EST. Tune in and hear Ted Leo play songs by request. and Tom’s partner in crime Jon Wurster do his magic live in studio. And if you pledge $75 or more, you will receive The Chump Steamroller Fun Pack. That includes a set of Best Show trading cards, a bumper sticker, and the first ever Best Show DVD, which I’m told will contain all sorts of celebrity contributions, bits by frequent callers, and much much much much more.

If you can spare even more change, you can pick multiple DJ premiums, and there is no shortage of awesome DJ premiums. Terre T, Evan “Funk” Davies, Rex, Dave the Spazz, Night People–a cornucopia of a smorgasbord of an orgy of awesome. Pick any one of them and you can’t go wrong.

Click here to pledge or call 1-800-989-9368 during the show of your choice. Do your part! YOUR AIRWAVES NEED YOU!

Return of the Son of Give ‘Til It Hurts So Good!

goodguys.jpgBeginning at 7pm tonight, WFMU is holding a 24 emergency pledge marathon. Normally, they hold only one pledge drive a year, but the station is in some dire financial straits.

Should you pledge out of the goodness of your heart and to keep the only radio station worth listening to in the tri-state area on the air? Of course. But if you need some extra motivation, know that The Best Show on WFMU is giving away a monstrously awesome HEROES DO WHAT HEROES DO FUN PACK! What do you get? WHAT DON’T YOU GET?!

  • A special Best Show t-shirt designed by Michael Kupperman, genius behind Snake and Bacon, Tales Designed to Thrizzle, and many other comical works of gut-busting hilarity;
  • A MP3 CD of Best Show rarities to satisfy lunatic completists like yours truly; AND
  • A special CD of punk/rock rarities compiled by WFMU’s own Terre T, who ALWAYS puts together an awesome compilation.

Tune in tonight starting at 7pm, and I’m sure you’ll hear even more reasons to pledge. Special guests! Hilarity! HELICOPTER RIDES! And much much much much more!

Listen: I got no end of things I gotta spend dough on. I’ve got birthday parties, engagement parties, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Bastille Day…I’M STILL PLEDGING, AND SO SHOULD YOU! CAPS LOCK!


The Best Show Logs, or Reason 1,419 Why My Brain Hates Me

A while back, I decided to work my way forward in the Best Show Archives, all the way from the first archived show from 2000. I started listening to the show two years ago, and wanted to ground myself in all of its weird, intricate mythology and folkways.

As I started to listen to these old shows, I thought, “Maybe I should keep a running log of what happens in each show. That way, if I wanna go back and listen to something again, I’ll know where it is.”

Then I thought to myself, “If I am interested in such a thing, surely others are.” So I posted them quietly on this site and enlisted the aid of the detectives on the Friends of Tom forum to fill in some of the missing info (particularly, which comedic star filled the role of which on-air “guest”). The Friends of Tom were, as always, extremely helpful and encouraging of this obsessive behavior.

Then I thought to myself, “Well, this is fine, but it really could use some spiffing up.” So I went back and added anchors so you could link to specific shows if you wanted, and also added some relevant links to various events mentioned during the course of the show.

So now I’m finally ready to reveal it to the public at large: The Best Show Logs, the product of one man’s mania. Right now, there are logs for all of 2000 and 2001, plus the first three months or so of 2002. There’s also links for them in the sidebar to your right. Comments, corrections, and questions always welcome.

At the rate I’m going, I’ll be writing a full compendium and chipping these things into stone by the end of the year.