Also, I like to think I know a lot of stuff on a wide variety of subjects, but when it comes to finance, I'm lost without a map. (First clue of this fact: That I write way too much for for a site that actually costs me money to run.) I'm sure this affair will drag on for years, with many more revelations and finger pointing and lawsuits to come, so there will be no shortage of opportunities to pen something on the subject.
Plus, I am so sick of sordid items coming out about this team. If it's not Ponzi schemes, it's shirt-ripping front office guys or grampa-punching closers. When it comes to my favorite baseball team, it'd be nice to write about, you know, baseball.

I enjoy the shirts' semi-distressed look, which in the makers' words are supposed to evoke "that old Mets shirt you've had since the 80s and have washed several hundred times." I also like the particular blue they've chosen, which reminds me of the kind used in the late 1990s unis. (Watch the first Subway Series game from 1997 on Mets Classics to get an idea of what I mean.)
I've been told the demand has been overwhelming for these shirts thus far, and that the creators already had to order a new batch. So get yours while you still can, or before some litigious team official takes notice. Sleeve tats optional.