Category Archives: Tuneage

Tunes of Righteousness: CCR + NOU

A coupla tunes for alla y’all on a slow-ish day.

ccr.jpgLike any red-blooded American, I dig Creedence. I have for a long time, although I wouldn’t say I’m a fan per se, because I own only two CCR albums. I mean, I know all the hits, I think Creedence is pretty great and all, but I have great respect for the word fan. (Kinda like I have great respect for the word friend–’tis not to be thrown around willy-nilly.)

When I’m a fan of something, I get all the albums or books. And all the limited edition stuff. And lie in wait outside their practice space so I can grab a lock of their hair. Since I was never compelled to do this for Creedence, I didn’t consider myself a Fan with a capital-F.

But I recently heard a deep album track by CCR that rocks so damn hard, I just might have rocked me into full-fledged fanhood. It’s called “Ramble Tamble”, it opens Cosmo’s Factory, and holy goddamn, is it good.

nou.gifYour second tune comes from Nation of Ulysses, who I would definitely declare myself a fan of, even though I was too young to get hip to them the first time ’round. (Their first 7-inches dropped around the time I was deep into Weird Al.)

It would take a medium-sized novel to capture all the mythology and legend surrounding the band (much of it self-propagated). Suffice to say, they were revolutionary in every sense of the word. Although nowadays it may be hard to piece that out, since so many of their innovations were co-opted by later, lesser bands (not to mention marketing). The liner notes to Plays Pretty for Baby are a genius piece of agitprop. Or satire. Or satirical agitprop.

But today I turn to their first album, 13-Point Program to Destroy America, and the tune “You’re My Miss Washington D.C.” This song was played on last night’s edition of The Best Show on WFMU. This not only reminded me how awesome it was, but allowed The Baby to dance heartily to its strains. Her moves weren’t much different than Ian Svenonius’s in this video.

With that said, here’s some liberation for your room.

Golden Anniversary for Kind of Blue

Fifty years ago today, Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue was released. It’s an album everyone says is one of the greatest ever made. It is also one of those rare occasions where everyone is right.

There’s probably been more words written about this album than there are notes played in the sessions. So there’s not much more you can say about it. All I know is, I’d put up with a million Kenny G’s to listen to this album. I could listen to “Blue in Green” a million times and still be astounded by Bill Evans.

It never ceases to amaze me how unbelievably ahead of the curve Miles Davis was, throughout his entire career (well, until the 80s, anyway). Who in music today is so far in front of everyone the way he was? No one. Not even close.

How to Earn an Express Ticket to Hell, the Victory Records Way

Do you remember Victory Records? You might not have ever heard of them if you didn’t run in punk/hardcore circles at some point in your life. During my college years, they were most known (to me, at least) for being the home of the completely humorless militant straight-edge/eco-centric band Earth Crisis. They were not a one-note label, however. Their roster extended to cover all variety of suck.

I have not given Victory Records a second thought in many years, but apparently they still exist. And are still run by a fucktard of the highest order.

As you may have heard, Matador Records founder/Can’t Stop the Bleeding blogger Gerard Cosloy’s home in Austin burned down last week. As someone who’s enjoyed the fruits of both that label and that blog, I was saddened by the news. Plus, based on the posts at CSTB, I believe he’s a Mets fan, so the man’s suffered enough the last few years.

It’s an awful event, the kind that inspires pity even among people who might hate you. Even Deadspin, which Cosloy took shots at over the years (and vice versa), wrote a brief post sending their condolences when the news broke. Because despite the fact that Cosloy was not a fan of Deadspin’s editor emeritus, you have to be a special kind of asshole to not offer sympathy to someone who just lost everything he owned.

Tony Brummell, Victory Records head honcho, is just that kind of asshole. In a situation where most people would offer their thoughts and prayers–or at the very least say nothing at all–Tony found the strength within him to send Cosloy a one-word email that said KARMA.

Why such hostility? Because Cosloy called out Victory Records for weird/shitty business practices. I suppose this offended the Great Hardcore Gods in the sky, who then did smite him for his insolence.

I’m pointing this out so if anyone is out there is considering a bulk purchase of the Snapcase back catalog, or you wanna pick up some old L.E.S. Stitches 7 inches, you may want to spend your hard earned deaux elsewhere. And if you’re so inclined, you can check out this blog post at Chunklet, where the Victory Records haterade is being poured in full force.