Category Archives: Technical Nonsense

Scratchbomb Status: Keep Calm and Carry On

golf-fan-stretcher.jpgSo things appear to be back to normal-ish here on Scratchbomb. My crack team of troubleshooters and IT experts (i.e., me) managed to restore the site after destroying it, making Scratchbomb stronger and taller in the process.

You sharp-eyed folks out there might notice a few small changes from the way the site used to look and perform. If you do, give yourself a gold star. If not, just know that there are forces out there you cannot possibly comprehend.

Happy reading!

Site Blown the Eff Up, Please Bear With Us

In my attempt to enhance this here site, I somehow managed to destroy it. I won’t bore you with the details, in part because I’m not 100 percent sure what I did, but suffice to say I undid several years of meticulous CSSing and make-nicery.

I am slowly trying to restore Scratchbomb to its former glory (?). I hope you will bear with me as this process grinds on in excruciating fashion. In the meantime, please be aware that I will continue to Tumble over at Holy Goddamn! (Don’t forget the exclamation mark; it’s like Wham!)

A Word on Comments

Earlier today, I had to delete a bunch of spam comments. Spam hasn’t been much of an issue on this here site because I’ve put enough hoops in place so (I hope) the average spammer won’t bother. But lately, I’ve seen a few determined spammers (or bots, more likely) put in the effort to copy and paste chunks of my posts, alter them slightly, then append them with a link to their presumably illegitimate online business.

The likelihood of any guilty party reading this post lies between slim and none, but I’m just putting this out into the ether so it exists. Under the auspices of the It’s My Damn Site and I Can Do What I Want Law, I will delete your comment if it’s basically an ad. Look: I don’t make any money off of this site, so neither should you.

If you have some fantastically awesome product/book/movie/show you want everyone to know about, email me about it and maybe I’ll write about it. But sneaking your stupid link into a comment is the express route to getting banned, capisce?

I will also delete your comment if it adds nothing to the conversation. Or if it was clearly written by some kind of robot. And I would hope this would go without saying, but I will not allow any kind of racism, sexism, or homophobia in the comments. If that’s your game, just go to YouTube, where all commenters are required to be full of hate.

All objections can be addressed to the nearest brick wall.