Category Archives: Seasonal Fare

Holiday Triumphs: “If Christmas Can’t Bring You Home”

Continuing the fabled tradition begun all the way back in 2009, Scratchbomb presents Holiday Horrors and Holiday Triumphs: an advent calendar of some of the more hideous aspects of this most stressful time of year–with a few bits of awesomeness sprinkled in.

The Reigning Sound are awesome. They have created a Christmas song that lives up to their levels of awesomeness. I don’t need to say more than that, I think.

Holiday Horrors: The Worst Christmas Song Ever Explanation

Continuing the fabled tradition begun all the way back in 2009, Scratchbomb presents Holiday Horrors and Holiday Triumphs: an advent calendar of some of the more hideous aspects of this most stressful time of year–with a few bits of awesomeness sprinkled in.

What’s worse than viral video fame? Trying to explain or capitalize on viral video fame. It’s some horrible ghetto of actual fame, where there’s nothing but tenements and liquor stores, and all the Chinese takeout joints have bulletproof glass and caroussels.

About three years ago, someone posted a video on YouTube that billed itself “the worst version ever” of “O Holy Night.” Listen to it and it’s hard to disagree.

This rendition of the classic hymn quickly achieved Grape Stomp Lady-levels of internet infamy, with people posting their own videos of themselves lip syncing it and even playing it on the radio as a joke.

Well, it turns out the person who performed this song was unhappy. Not that he was being made fun of, but that he wasn’t getting credit for his work. So he posted his own YouTube video to prove it was him. The man’s name is Steve Mauldin, and he had arranged “O Holy Night” for a church group.

In this video, he goes to very long, very earnest lengths to prove his bona fides, and to also insinuate that he’d done the original song in jest. I believe this about as much I believe Tommy Wiseau when he says he meant The Room to be a comedy.

Watching Mr. Mauldin’s video, I’m struck by what Fame can do to people. Being known for this song is fame the way McRibs are food, and Mr. Mauldin does not seem at all like the kind of person who’d even aspire to notoriety. And yet, when confronted with the choice between remaining anonymous or known for singing the worst Christmas song ever, he chose “fame.” And if this earnest, humble man can be so easily corrupted, whither goest us?

Holiday Triumphs: Jean Shepherd, “Christmas Gifts”

Continuing the fabled tradition begun all the way back in 2009, Scratchbomb presents Holiday Horrors and Holiday Triumphs: an advent calendar of some of the more hideous aspects of this most stressful time of year–with a few bits of awesomeness sprinkled in.

Thumbnail image for shep2.GIFHere is another bit of holiday cheer from Jean Shepherd, who knew a thing or two about this subject. I usually don’t like to post excerpts of his shows, because I think they are high art and should be enjoyed as a whole. You wouldn’t hang up just one square inch of a Monet, would you?

However, if you don’t have the time to listen to an entire 45-minute program, you might enjoy this clip from his December 13, 1965 show. In it, Shep reads descriptions of board games on sale at the time and being pitched as excellent Christmas gifts for kids. Most of them are insanely violent, in a way that is virtually inconceivable now (at least in ads for things aimed at children). There is also an ad for a proto-fantasy baseball game that sounds like it was way ahead of its time.

Shep recites the ad copy almost verbatim, with a few wry asides, and like a true artist, he makes these words his own. Enjoy.

[audio:|titles=Jean Shepherd: Christmas Gifts (except) (December 13, 1965)]