Site Unseen

When I started Scratchbomb, intertubes technology was a fraction of what it is today. The phrase “blog” had not yet been coined. Comments and tags and trackbacks and the like were only a gleam in some codewriter’s eye. If you said that someday people would watch movies and TV shows online, you would have been burned as a witch.

I built Scratchbomb with my bare hands, with some help from Dreamweaver. HTML familiarity was pretty much the only thing you needed to make a site in them days. Times were simpler. People seemed to laugh more then.

But a blog must keep moving forward, or else it shall perish, much like the noble and bloodthirsty shark. I’ve realized that there are things a blog should be able to do that Scratchbomb couldn’t–most of them involving searchability. And I was investing far too much time making it do the few things that it could do–like making permalinks that I had to manually create and maintain.

So after a few days of wrestling with hosts and servers, I’ve converted Scratchbomb over to Movable Type. Without getting too technical, I assure you that it makes running the site a zillion times easier, in terms of writing entries, creating permalinks, etc. I used to have to do all of these things on my own, occasionally by writing code and uploading files via a steam-powered FTP application.

And thanks to the miracle of advanced nerd technology, Scratchbomb will finally be searchable and have tags and (gulp) comments. Yes, you’re welcome.

In the short term, that means the site has a tad generic look right now. In the coming weeks, I’ll be reconfiguring the design so it looks a little less Geocities.

I also plan on migrating the older entries into this new interface. For now, if you wanna look at the old site, click here.

Up the Middle with Skitch Hanson: A Fashion Plaxico-No

Today, Scratchbomb hands over the reins to nationally syndicated sports columnist Skitch Hanson, as we’ve done many times before. You may know him as the author of the highly popular syndicated column “Up The Middle.” You may also have read his best-selling book Numbers Don’t Lie Except When They Do . He’s also a frequent guest on ESPN’s sportswriters panel show Tiny Elf-Like Men Shrieking. Without further ado, here’s Skitch.

I want to thank The Scratchbomb for having me back. I’ve turned into a bit of a “pariah” around the office ever since I got back from Beijing. My newspaper didn’t appreciate some of the charges I ran up during the Olympics. I tried to explain to my boss that it wasn’t my fault, but he hasn’t trusted me since the Rental Car Incident of 2003.

(My loyal readers will remember that well, but for the rest of you, let’s just say that you should never try to force a cassette tape into a car stereo CD player, no matter how badly you want to hear “Sweet Baby James”. And remember: even if you’re trying to be helpful to the good people at Hertz, marinara sauce is no substitute for transmission fluid.)

Here’s what happened: One night in Beijing, I ate a crazy vegetable the locals call “egged-plant” and found myself in some gastric distress. A friendly cabbie brought me to the local pharmacy to get some Pepto Bismol, after I made myself understood with 15 minutes of an embarrassing set of hand gestures.

When we go to the pharmacy, the cabbie asked if he could borrow my corporate AmEx. He said he needed some medicine for his sick wife. I know it sounds crazy now, but I felt I owed the guy. Plus, I wasn’t really sure this place was a pharmacy at all. I’ve never seen a drug store that had crap tables and roulette wheels, and guys guarding the doors with

So imagine my surprise when I get back to the States and the only pharmaceutical purchases on the statement were 500 gross of Viagra! Plus 17 flatscreen TVs, and a bunch of charges to some Web site called That sounds like a place where you could get something nice for your wife, so maybe the cabbie wasn’t totally lying.

Continue reading Up the Middle with Skitch Hanson: A Fashion Plaxico-No