Tag Archives: ungodly noise

Vuvuzela Facts

  • Thumbnail image for vuvuzelas.jpgThere are many rumors about the origins of the vuvuzela. Some say it was the result of a CIA psy-ops experiment that tried to find the perfect frequency that would drive men mad. Others say it was spawned from a horn that fell off Satan himself. Still others say that the instrument was invented and popularized by Kenny G. All of these rumors are correct.
  • Though it is associated with South African soccer, the vuvuzela originated in South America and is named for the Argentinian pop star of the same name, best known for her 1973 hit,  “Mis oídos están sangrando (para ti).”
  • A vuvuzela can register sounds up to 127 decibels. The only louder man-made sound is a detonated nuclear bomb hooked up to a vuvuzela.
  • Scientists are hard at work developing an even louder vuvuzela for the 2014 World Cup, the Vuvuzela Centipede, which will consist of three vuvuzelas surgically attached to one another.
  • Many critics feel the vuvuzela is distracting and not befitting “the beautiful game” and its grand traditions, such as hooliganism, bloody, deadly riots, and fascist salutes.