Tag Archives: the beaty of 500 errors

Commenting: The Final Word, Or Is It?

After many hours of mostly fruitless labor, here is what I have determined vis-a-vis comments for this here site.

1) All users should be able to register with Movable Type and, after confirming their email address, post comments to Scratchbomb.com. I have not yet figured out how to allow userpics, which has more to do with weird server/database/technical issues that the makers of Movable Type have yet to resolve.

2) I have had no luck trying to post comments via TypePad Connect. Which is too bad, because their commenting interface looks pretty good. However, it’s still in beta, which is techspeak for “it don’t work yet.” If TypePad Connect was a car, it’d be a sleek Maserati with three wheels and no coolant.

I’ll let alla y’all know ASAP when the userpic issue has been resolved. But for now, you should FINALLY be able to post comments. So go ahead, tell me about your awesome Facebook page or how to add inches overnight.