Tag Archives: parking tickets

Morning Bites: 12.17.08

* The cover of today’s Daily News expresses outrage that Governor Patterson is considering taxing iTunes downloads (among other things). I’m surprised it’s taken the state government this long to consider that as a revenue stream. Also, how is that tax assessed–if you buy an mp3 while using a NY-based IP address, or if you’re a NY resident anywhere buying an mp3? If the former, couldn’t I just drive to Jersey to download, say, Scott Weiland’s new solo masterpiece?

But what amused me even more about this cover was that it features a close up on an iPod, and the iPod is playing Hot Chip. Because you know that the editor-in-chief said, “Oh no, I’m not paying for a photo from Getty! Find someone in the office who’s got one of them things! Look in the steno pool if you have to!”

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