Unsolicited Advice about finding an apartment

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From experience, look for the following and consider if the cumulative message is a warning you want to take seriously:

Is the ceiling showing its age? Are the nailheads poking through the plaster?

Are there doorknobs inside the closets? If so, why? What does that tell you about attention to detail?

Are there air conditioning sleeves in the major rooms? Are the ACs included? If not, are the sleeves appropriately sized for the space? You don’t need a sleeve for an 14,000 BTU AC in a room that’s 10 x 8, and you don’t want to get stuck buying one because its the only size that fits in the wall.

Are the windows double hung? If so, can you open the tops so that you can clean them on both sides?

Who’s in charge of maintaining common areas like stairwells, or shoveling snow and raking leaves?

Is there yard access? Is it shared? Is there a curfew? Is the yard constantly blocked by a car in the driveway so you can’t actually get into the yard?

This unsolicited advice brought to you by me. Argh.

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