The Subway Novel Project: Hot Dog, We Have a Wiener!

About three seconds after I posted my Subway Novel Project intro, my brother reminded me that we’d had a discussion about just such a novel: BoneMan’s Daughter by Ted Dekker.

What prompted our earlier discussion: He had seen an ad for the book in the subway, with this tagline:

Would you kill an innocent man for a chance to save your daughter?

As he pointed out on his own blog, this question barely warrants a response. Any parent would do this without thinking twice. I know I would.

Mind you, I can talk tough because the situation implied by that tagline would never happen. But in the extremely unlikely case that it did happen, there would be no debate whatsoever. “What, kill this guy and you’ll let my daughter go? Okay.” *bang* “That was easy!”

As ridiculous as that tagline is, I was even more intrigued by this Amazon description of the book:

A Texas serial killer called BoneMan is on the loose, choosing young girls as his prey, His signature: myriad broken bones that torture and kill – but never puncture.

Military intelligence officer Ryan Evans is married to his work; so much so that his wife and daughter have written him out of their lives. Sent to Fallujah and captured by insurgents, he is asked to kill children not unlike his own. The method: a meticulous, excruciating death by broken bones that his captor has forced him to learn.

Returning home after the ordeal, a new crisis awaits. A serial killer is on the loose, and his method of killing is the same. Ryan becomes a prime suspect, which isn’t even the worst of his problems: Ryan’s daughter is BoneMan’s latest desire.

I smell a masterpiece!

Also promising: Mr. Dekker’s bio says he’s written 22 books. I don’t think anyone should write a novel when they’re 18, but let’s assume that he’s been writing novels since he became an adult. He’s now 47 years old, meaning he averages 1.3 novels per year.

I have a theory that an author’s ability to write quality fiction is indirectly proportional to the amount of books they put out. To a point, anyway; just because someone writes one novel every 20 years doesn’t make them a genius. But if you’re churning out books at a Steven King-ian rate, chances are those books aren’t very good. Why? Because writing a novel is excruciating.

So BoneMan’s Daughter it is! I shall purchase a copy posthaste. But any of you folks have an idea for a future installment, speak up.

The Subway Novel Project: Intro and Solicitation

subway_novel.jpgBecause I don’t have enough meaningless self-imposed projects, I’ve decided to put something else in my inbox: The Subway Novel Project.

Being an eagle-eyed, New Yorker, I’ve noticed that novels are often advertised throughout the mass transit system. I’ve also noticed that these books tend to not be written by authors like, say, Paul Auster or Joyce Carol Oates.

No, they’re usually either brand-name best-selling authors like John Patterson, or people aspiring to be brand-name authors who get blurbs from guys like John Patterson because they have the same imprint at ConGlomCo Books.

Or they belong to the totally ignored world of Urban Fiction. These are authors with only one name, who have no qualms about naming sequels to earlier books the same way you would a movie (e.g., Around the Way Girls 2 through 4). You will never see these authors in the NY Times Book Review, even though their tomes outsell Phillip Roth’s last 14 novels.

The reason I’m doing this: I’m trying to get back on the Fiction Horse. I’ve spent much of the last few years writing non-fiction, and I’ve been stuck at 100 pages of a novel that needs to be finished before it has any hope of seeing the light of day. Because this is such a fantastic time to be working on fiction. (For those unfamiliar with entertainment market fluctuations, it ain’t.)

So why read this stuff? Because years ago, I did some freelance copyediting/proofreading for mass market fiction. And next to earning an MFA in fiction writing (pause to pat self on back), reading this stuff was the best writing instruction I ever received. No, of course the writing in these novels wasn’t very good. But what was so instructive was how they weren’t very good.

One hallmark of all the books I read: An obsessive-compulsive urge to use adverbs, especially when “describing” how people talk. (“‘I bet you get around,’ Frank said devilishly.”) Rather than insert clues about your characters’ true motives, or describe a compelling scene, just throw -ly at the end of the word and call it a day. It’s so much easier!

Or, start a chapter with someone doing some mundane everyday task–walking the dog, taking out the garbage, etc.–while reminiscing about something that’s happened between when the last chapter started and the next one began. What tense is that? I think it’s called past-imperfect-and-totally-unnecessary-framing-device.

Romance novels were the worst, although not for the reasons you might think. Sure, the love scenes were overwrought and full of some of the most ridiculous prose ever. My favorite line of all time, describing how a woman felt as she stared into her man’s eyes while in the throes of passion: “She felt captivated, as if by a wizard.”

A WIZARD! That killed me. I had a mental image of the cover of this future masterpiece: Woman: bodice ripped, cleavage heaving. Man: shirtless, ripped, leonine hair. And behind them, a totally bitchin’ Frank Frazetta poster.

But what really bugged me about the romance novels: they constantly endangered their characters for no discernible reason except to move the plot. The author’s handprints were smeared on everything they did. And the only kind of danger that existed in this world were a villain (more often than not, a villainness) who existed for the sole reason to stand in their way. Or the threat of physical danger, the cheapest arrow in a writer’s quiver.

Once the villain(ess) had been dispatched and the lovers had no more obstacles, one (or both) of them would get into a car accident. I must have read 20 romance novels over the course of my freelance work, and this happened in at least 15 of them. All because the author had ended the book too soon and had no idea how else to threaten their characters. And had no idea how to write a book in which their characters were not constantly threatened by their mighty pen.

Long story short, I think I’m in need of some of this instruction again. So I’m going to pick a Subway Novel, read it, and review it here. Then do it again and again until I either finish my novel or kill myself.

But before picking a book, I wanted to solicit the audience and see if there’s any book you’ve seen advertised on the subway. I will also accept books you’ve seen people read on the subway. And I will also accept books you’ve seen on the bus. I will not accept books you’ve seen people reading while driving to work, because I hope you’d call the cops if you saw someone reading while behind the wheel.

However, in order to maintain what little integrity this project has, I’ll need some sort of evidence that you’ve seen this book on the bus or subway. Presumably of the photographic variety. Or a drawing. Or just describe the scene really well.

So, any suggestions? Speak up.

“Frankly, I Expected Better From Johnny the Scumbag…”

Seriously, malicious spam-bots, is this the best you can do?

hallmark_spam.jpgNice Photoshop job on that E-CARDS tab. I think I can see the wires holding it in place. And those links don’t look suspicious at all, the way they end in .EXE. You know, the way no URL in the world does.

I am very disappointed in all of you data-mining identity-robbers. Get on the stick! Those suspicious nutritional supplement charges aren’t gonna wind up on other people’s credit cards all by themselves!